Wednesday, August 17, 2005


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I Survived!

Well, I made it back! Hallelujah!

Columbus was a lot of fun and we all had a good time. Our hotel ended up being about 6 blocks from the convention center/arena and we walked to church. So that killed our feet. On Thursday I wore my heels to church but carried my flip flops in my purse for the walk home. I noticed it wasn't too cheesy cause a couple of our girls did it the next night too.

We got to do a little sightseeing while we were there. We visited Greater Ice Cream and watched how they make it. The concept was the same as how we make homemade ice cream - salt and ice - only they have huge machines to do it. Their claim for charging so much for it is that they don't whip in a lot of air like other companies - when you buy a gallon of their ice cream you get all ice cream and no air. It was heavy, so maybe there is something to their claim.

The chaperones all wore t-shirts on Sunday night to church that said "I Survived Youth Congress 2005." I think it makes it sound worse than it really was. We had very little sleep and got up early most of the days.

The twins survived quite nicely - they stayed with mom and she took them to Grant's Farm on Wednesday and Lisa, Kaitlyn, Wendy, Rachel and Hannah took them to 6 Flags on Thursday. They had never been before and have been begging me all summer to take them. They had a blast and hardly missed dear 'ol mom and dad.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Hump day - Only 2 more days to go

Here is it Wednesday and this is the first opportunity I have had to update my blog all week. Whew!!

The heat index is once again over 100 today and this is one of those rare times I will say it's pretty hot out. But I would still rather have it hot than cold.

This week is my last week of calm for a while. Next week I will be in Columbus, Ohio with 16 young people from our church for 5 days. I think its going to be fun, but it's also a lot of work, so I'm trying to mentally prepare myself for it. Is that possible?

I can't wait until our vacation in September. Right now it seems that is all I'm living for. I really need to get away. I just hope all goes well while we're away. The twins are such home-bodies and anytime we go away, even if it's just for the weekend, they complain after about a day that they think we should be getting home. What will they be like in Florida for 6 days?!!! EEekkkk.

I'm trying out some new things here on the blog. I think I have a counter now, so I can tell how many people are hitting it. I also want to try and change the picture on my heading. I don't know if I can or not, I'm still researching that. So, maybe there will be some more changes coming down the road.