Friday, June 30, 2006


It' Friday People and I'm so very happy!!!!!!!! An extra long weekend is looking me in the face and I'm so excited to get it going.

Tomorrow my babies enter double digits. I am so amazed at how quicly they have grown and how smart they are. Each of them has traits, likes, abilities so different from the other. Before I became a MOM (Mother Of Multiples) I thought that twins would be pretty much the same with very few differences. It's they are actually quite opposite.
Very Studious

Shirt always tucked in

Smart - but don't want to take the time to study
Could care less - just get it done
Don't really care
Never tuck his shirt in

I've always wanted to be SuperMom, to be at home when the kids get home from school, be the party house for all the other kids, to have the summer off to spend time with them, have sleepovers, etc. Since I work full time that is pretty much impossible to do, but this weeked I get to be supermom ~ they are having a sleepover for their birthday. Now I know I should be dreading this on some level but the more I think about it the more I am looking forward to it. I think the boys will have fun.

In closing, let me just sing a few bars....
Happy Birthday To You
Happy Birthday To You
Happy Birthday Dear Nathen And Austen
Happy Birthday To You!!!!!!!!!

Stay safe and we'll see ya back here next week.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006


Nathen and Austen are having a birthday this weekend. I just can't believe that it's been 10 years since they were born. Gosh I feel old. They are wanting to have a sleepover so I'll have about 6 boys in the house between the ages of 8-11. I've told them they should bring their trunks for swimming - that means I'll be having a lot of water leave the pool - I can't even imagine the splashes they will be making.

It's gonna be a zooooo. I hope I have enough blankets. I gotta get cake and party stuff together. I better get busy, I've kinda been flying by the seat of my pants on this one. Probably not a good idea.

and now, on to the "Random" part of my blog...

Co-worker is being snarkey today. As a result, I am SOOO NOT having a good day. I'll be glad when the week is over. I know for sure I have Tuesday the 4th off, but I'm not sure about Monday. One boss says we work, the other says he's not coming in and wants to close. We'll see what happens. If I know my bosses, we will probably be informed of whatever their decision is on Friday about 4:45. Co-W is considering taking Monday off if bosses don't give it to us for the holiday and she is also taking Friday, the 7th. The following week I'll be gone all week. Between tomorrow and July 17, I'll be with her 5 days at the most. I guess I can handle that. Woo Hoo for me!!!!

Update: I just found out that WE ARE OFF MONDAY!!!!!!!! HALLELUJAH!!!!!!!

You may or may not be asking yourself, "I wonder where she's going for a whole week in July?" Well I'll tell you, whether you asked or not...LOL. My little guys are going to church camp that week. This will be the first time for them to be gone from me & DH for such a long period of time. Usually, when DH & I leave they stay with my mom, but she won't be there either. I decided I will go and volunteer that week at the camp so they have access to me if they need me. Lets see...probably a couple hundred 9-12 year olds running around without their parents. It should be crazy. WHAT WAS I THINKING????!!!!!!!

Got this in an e-mail a few days ago and thought it was cute...
Biblical Songs
Noah: "Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head"
Adam and Eve: "Strangers in Paradise"
Lazarus: "The Second Time Around"
Esther: "I Feel Pretty"
Job: "I've Got a Right to Sing the Blues"
Moses: "The Wanderer"
Jezebel: "The Lady is a Tramp"
Samson: "Hair"
Salome: "I Could Have Danced All Night"
Daniel: "The Lion Sleeps Tonight"
Joshua: "Good Vibrations"
Peter: "I'm Sorry"
Esau: "Born To Be Wild"
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego: "Great Balls of Fire!"
The Three Kings: "When You Wish Upon a Star"
Jonah: "Got a Whale of a Tale"
Elijah: "Up, Up, and Away"
Methuselah: "Stayin' Alive"
Nebuchadnezzar: "Crazy"

I'm stoked about the weekend!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 27, 2006


Not much to post today. Gracie is doing well. They had a little scare last night when she started choking and she turned blue. They decided it was Acid Reflux. It looks like Jael may be discharged tomorrow (they are waiting on one test to come back about her infection) and they will be heading home to southern Missouri. I am sooo sad. I won't get to see the sweet little baby grow and I'm am really going to miss Xander. I just love that little guy. He is a wonderful big brother though. My mom told me she took some pictures of him holding Gracie - I can't wait to see them.

Continuing with the List of 100:
21) I love Mickey D's
22) I direct the choir at church
23) I am the wife of the Youth Pastor
24) The above FREAKS me out sometimes. No, make that MOST OF THE TIME it freaks me out - I never thought in my wildest dreams we would be serving in this capacity.
25) I am not the Christian I should be - course I guess who is??? We should always be working towards that goal to be more like Him. But lately it seems like I keep disappointing Him.
26) Fettuccini Alfredo is my favorite meal
27) I grew up in the country - aka Rebecca of Sunny Brook Farm
28) I couldn't wait to move to the city cause I hated the country
29) I wanna move back to the country - the boys would love it.
30) I'm unable to make up my mind (obviously - LOL)

That's about it for today...Maybe there will be more pictures tomorrow.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Elizabeth Grace


Baby Gracie is finally here and she is just beautiful. I can't believe how tiny though. She was born on 6/25/06 at 5:06 P.M. She weighed 6 pounds and 1 ounce and is 19 inches long. I AM SOOO IN LOVE!!!!!

Here's a of her dad and big brother - Xander, and of course with Aunt Becky. Technically I'm a cousin, but Jael lets me call myself "Aunt."

Now being excited about the new baby, I didn't even take a picture of Grace and her mommy - Duh me.

I just got a call though that Jael has an infection. She is really upset and scared, and I can't blame her. So if you're reading my blog please say a prayer for her.


I've been a really bad blogger. The problem is I don't have anything interesting to say so instead of just posting that I have nothing, I just don't post. I'll try to do better - even if it's just to say "Hey."

Guess I'll continue with my 100 List:

11) Diet Coke is my drink of choice.

12) I have NEVER smoked.

13) I'm addicted to Su Doku

14) My house is generally clean - except for my bedroom.

15) I don't play well with others.

16) Mexican Food is my favorite food

17) I would love to quit my job and be a SAHM and work part-time somewhere either waitressing or at a LSS (that's a weird spectrum I know).

18) I really WANT to take good photos, but Mike is the better with the camera.

19) I would love to live in New York City for 6 months. I don't think I could handle it any longer than that.

20) I think it would be fun to have x-ray vision.

Happy Monday chicas - c ya ~

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Wednesday's blog..

I've had a delima about what to blog about - just can't seem to come up with anything. I decided to do one the BOM challenges from SJ. Now, I don't know if I'll do a LO about it but if I did, I guess this would be the journaling.

Journal about the meaning of your name.
Journal about how you feel about your name, why your parents chose it,
and/or if you think the meaning is true for you.

My dad told me it meant “TO BIND” which is why they chose it. I would be the tie that bound he and my mom together and would make us a family.
Research it at
(According to the above website):

~ meaning ~

~ motivation ~
Has a purpose in life

~ character ~
One who likes challenge

~ feelings ~
An affectionate and loving person

~ intelligence ~
Has ability to concentrate

~ spiritual ~
A person who is faithful to their beliefs

~ nature ~
A person who loves life

~ inherent ~
A cultured person

I think most of that could be true about me. I don’t know what my purpose is (do you think I ever will? I mean I'm 35 for heaven's sake!) and I don’t think I’m bound (unless you think of it like my parents – “to bind”).
Now, after getting all that done, I realize that I already talked about my name (see my 6/12/06 entry). True, it was about nicknames that I've had but still....I'm like a broken record here. But since I've already typed it up and put it in colors and stuff, it stays. ::sigh::


I did want to have somewhere that I talk about ME. I find it really hard to talk about myself in a positive manner or to be brag on myself and my blog is kinda that opportunity to bust out of that shell.

I asked for help on what to blog about and JenniferH gave me a suggestion to do 100 Things About Me. Now, 100 seems a little daunting but I'll try to do it 10 at a time (especially when I'm blogger-challenged).
1) I would rather stay home than go out.
2) I hate water but force myself to drink it.
3) Pink is my favorite color.
4) After 13 years of marriage, I discovered DH likes hot tea.
5) I would like to live in NYC for 6 months.
6) My first airplane ride I was about 30 years old.
7) I am just a little claustrophobic.
8) I love almost all styles of music.
9) I don't like Rap, Hard Rock, Alternative Rock, or artists who tend to have explicit or violent lyrics.
10) I love chocolate but can live without it.
Ok, gang. There's my first installment. Have a great Hump Day. Only 2 more to go till the weekend. Woo Hoo!!!!!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006


{ MOJO }
I have lost my mojo girls. Anyone wanna send me some? It's really bad timing too since I signed up for another circle journal. I already got my first book to work in. YIKES!!!!!! I have a teeny-tiney little idea of what direction I'll go, but it's not completely formulated yet. Cross your fingers. LOL I promise Lori, it won't suck too bad.

On Sunday I wore a cute sweater with a pin that was made out of feathers. I was helping serve the Father's Day breakfast and one of the dads was teasing me about it. I had the funniest thought and couldn't share it with him, it would have been totally inappropriate. I thought it was hysterical. Maybe you had to be there, but you know now things that aren't really funny are overly funny in church. That was my dilemma. Sooooo, I kept thinking it would be a great Merkin accessory. I had NO ONE to share this with . Here's the infamous feather pin.

Mike played softball tonight and every time I go - they LOSE. So I went tonight to the game so guess what happened? They LOST!!!! There were a ton of really really bad calls by the ump, he didn't seem to have a clue about some of the plays. It was totally crazy. He called our guy out when the outfield guy clearly dropped the ball. INSANE!!!! Anyway, I took my camera tyring to learn about some of the settings. I have absolutely NO idea what I'm doing. I've decided I must take a class. I've been wanting to for a while, but after tonight, I realize I HAVE to. My poor camera isn't being used like it should. I kept thinking, "How does Yo & Sarah get those shots?" Man!!! So, the next thing on my list of things to do is: TAKE A PHOTOGRAPHY CLASS!!!!!!!!! I'm going to start by reading my manual - Again. ::rolleyes:: Oh Yeah, what fun!

Monday, June 19, 2006


I got nothin' today...Nada, Nil, Zip, Zilch, Zero. This will be the most boring post in the history of blogs.

Here's a photo of Mike, his dad and our boys on Father's Day.

And that's all folks. Maybe there will be more interesting stuff tomorrow.

Thursday, June 15, 2006


Alright readers I'm back after a brief, but semi-successful, hiatus.

YOU'RE MY HERO!!!!!!!!!!!

She must have sent me a million emails to get me this far. She deserves a medal for patience. Unfortunately I had to get some work done before we were able to finish up. So, the reason I said "semi-successful" is because there are a couple glitches, but I can live with them if they don't get fixed.

And now on to other news...
I got an awesome book mark in the mail today from the amazing Kristi Sauer. It's so cute. Thanks Kristi.
I also got a postcard from Jen/AFChick on Monday. It looks like a beautiful city. Thank you and stay safe girl.

I was swamped at work today. I had so much work to do that the I only got as far as the MB home page on SJ. How sad is that!!! I didn't get to read any threads and didn't get to go through any blogs. Hopefully I won't be as busy tomorrow and can play more. Oh and I gotta say to those of you who have left comments, "Thanks." I love knowing that you're reading.


Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Imaginary Header

I SOOO BADLY WANTED TO UPLOAD THIS AS MY BANNER BUT I AM SO AFRAID THAT I'LL MESS US MY BLOG...I looked@ and studied Lindsey's instructions but I'm afraid. She has a totally different set of code than I do.
Can you just imagine this is my header??

Father's Day...

If you’re in a weepy mood, you better skip my blog - I’m feeling real melancholy today. I sent my sweet SJ friend, Carrie Lynn, a PM today asking how she was doing. She let me know that her dad has told them all goodbye and they are just waiting. This brought back so many memories for me of my own dad and his battle with cancer.
{cyber hugs to you Carrie Girl. Prayin' for ya!}

So since Father’s Day is right around the corner, I’ll commemorate my DAD.

I have many regrets when it comes to my dad. I never told him enough that I loved him. I didn’t remember all the stories he told me about my heritage. As a teenager I was ashamed of him cause he was so old. I never gave him enough hugs. I’ll never be able to ask him gardening questions. He never got to meet the twins – he would have had so much fun with them. Would he be proud of me? So many things…

It’s been 11 years. People say time heals all wounds. But you know it really doesn’t. It deadens them a little bit, you don’t dwell on them all the time, but it still hurts to this day that he’s gone. Sometimes I dream about him, that we’re doing things together, and he’ll be laughing. Those are the hardest days. It’s like having a brief moment with him and when I wake up I have to mourn all over again.

So, if
you’re still reading…and if you are able, hug your dad for me this week. Get pictures WITH him, talk to him, listen, ask questions – if you don't have a great relationship with him it may not be the most comfortable thing right now, but you won't never regret it.

Sorry about the downer girls, I just needed to say that - really missin' my dad today. I was trying to find something that would change the mood of today's post, but I'm coming up empty. I guess there's always tomorrow...

Monday, June 12, 2006


That's how I feel after this weekend. It was so nice to have Absolutely Nothing To Do on Saturday!!! I thoroughly enjoyed my Saturday and did nothing but lay out in the pool all day. I have a lovely burn to prove it, but it'll all be good and tan soon. The boys look like little bronze babies. I can't believe how tan their backs are already. Their legs are totally white though.

Calvin & Denise came up this weekend. It was good to see them although we didn't get to spend a lot of time with them. It was good to see you guys - miss ya girl!!!!

I have to toot a little bit, I am pretty proud of myself. I did this LO in about an hour and a half. I managed to steal some pictures from Denise that she had shared with me on instant messenger. It was of her little puppy Josie. I thought it would be so much fun to scrap them since they were so cute. I totally lifted the LO from page 131 of the July 06 Scrapbook Etc., my first lift that actually looks good. LOL I was going to scrap it and mail it to her but I'm too much into instant gratification so I gave it to her Sunday at church. I'm still shocked that I was able to start and finish it in one night.

I already posted on Friday when I ran across Beth's Friday Blog Challenge on SJ. So I'll do it now. We were to tell about our nicknames, who game them, are they still used, do I like them, etc. So here goes:

Technically, the name I go by is my nickname ~ Becky ~ the natural s/o of Rebecca. As a teenager I never really liked Becky. I always felt like it was a hick-farm girls name which, of course, fit me to a "T" as I WAS a hick-farm girl. The truth hurts, I was always trying to be something I wasn't. Now I still don't like it but I deal. Next came Gucky - I was really young when my cousin gave me this one. He was even younger than me and couldn't say Becky. It evolved into Cupcake - don't even ask me how. I stayed this for a while until high school when I decided I wanted to be called Becca. This one didn't even get off the ground! Nobody called me that. Sadly I went back to Becky. Till Denise came around and, much to my mom's dismay, began calling me Reba. She's the only one who calls me this and for some strange reason Mom totally opposed it.

As for DH calling me stuff, weellll sometimes I'm White Chocolate, sometimes I'm Candy which came from a Dr. John song (this one usually causes a minor irritation since that was his old high school GF's name), and Beck but usually just boring ol Becky. I absolutely will not accept MOM from him though. I HATE, HATE, HATE that. Other names I've had are Becky Boo. My Dad used to call me this. He made up a poem about me. It started, "Becky Boo, eyes of blue." Now, my eyes are brown and I would always interrupt him and tell him this important piece of information. He would always laugh and act surprised. We played this little game every time. Gosh I miss him. I don't think he ever finished that poem. Once in a while Lisa will call me this and it always makes me think of my Dad. Then there's Eileen, my middle name. Jael and I have the same middle name and, to be difficult, Chelle insists on calling both of us by our middle name. Total confusion when we're together. So there's the story of my nicknames. Now weren't you glad Beth asked. LOL

I've been busy most of the day at work. It's been a joyous day here at is crabby and not talking. Makes for a fun day when there's only 2 of us.

I had to save this as a draft and add the picture of my LO tonight from home. I haven't taken it off my camera yet. Hmmmm, seems to be the story of my blog.

Friday, June 09, 2006


Good Grief!!!!! What is up with the net????? Yesterday it was the Jazz today it’s the blog machine. Please why can’t it all just work with me when I have nothing to do @work. Gosh (said is my best Napoleon impression).

Last day in the crazy rat race…

I can’t wait for FRIDAY to be over. I am sooo ready for the end of this week. If you’ve been reading about my crazy life, you know I volunteered to teach VBS this week (momentary insanity on my part). For my schedule that means I get home from work, pull in the driveway and everyone (DH and kids) pile in and we drive straight to church and I don’t get home till 9ish. They are feeding the kids dinner at VBS so that’s nice for them, but bad for me. Monday night was a blizzard for dinner. I finally got a real meal Wednesday night – went to Sonic Drive-Thru (now that's healthy). Anyway, last night was the last night and tonight we have a youth thing so Saturday is the next day I have for myself.

During the week, with all our spare time, we’ve been working on getting the pool set up and it’s ready now– HALLELUJAH!!!!! So guess where I’ll be on Saturday????? I’m going to be selfish with my weekend – I told my mom to encourage my cousins to NOT come over Saturday. I want the pool to myself. They will probably get to go today so, the fact is, they will get in it BEFORE ME!! How wrong is that? I guess it'll be ok though since they are watching my kids for me.

Last year when our office moved, one of the bosses gave Donna and I each a GC to a spa. Now, I’m not really into the spa thing and have shuffled it around so long that it almost expired. So I got a brilliant idea to give it to my friend Andrea. She LOVED it, of course. But as a thank you she got me this really cute speaker thing for my ipod. First of all, she didn’t have to do that, especially since I didn’t pay anything for it. It was a RAK that I re-RAKed, so to speak, and she KNEW it. But I love the speakers. It’s like a mini tripod and every leg of the tripod has a speaker in it. It’s so cute. Here’s a pic, isn't it cute?:

I changed my avatar on SJ today. I figured since everyone else could have what they consider handsome men, I could have me one too. ;-) I picked Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow. What a bad boy. YMMMY!!!!!!

In April I went on a scrap weekend to the YMCA Lodge in Potosi, Missouri. I don’t think I’ve uploaded any of the LO’s I did there so that’s what you’re getting today. (I plan on taking a picture of the front of the Bronx Zoo before posting the rest of those pictures. ) These are Valentine Day LO’s.

I stole all the valentines from the boys and used my punch to cut them up. I totally lifted the idea. You can see the original by Julia Sandvoss at SJ called Love U. (Hope that link works, html is NOT my thing folks.) It's not done ~ it needs something more, but everything I try doesn't work. Either the color is off or something (IRL it is a lit pink with white dots but it looks purple here). If you have any ideas, pass them my way. I'm letting it sit for a bit hoping inspiration will come.
I'm trying to do more LO's with me, so this one I did of DH and I. The hearts and quotes on the right came pre-printed on the paper and since I'm at work, I have no idea what they say. The ONLY things I added were the black CS, the thing above the pic that says LOVE (it pulls out and I've journaled on it & put another picture of me on the back), and the ETERNITY tag at the bottom.

I'm sure you've seen these cool pockets to hold cards. I've always wanted to do something to save my cards so I did one for my Valentine cards this year. And YUP, that's some DOODLING. Don't be too shocked. LOL I know it's not a lot, and I wished I didn't do it, late...maybe it would look better if I added more?

Anyways, that's all for this week folks. You know where I'll be this weekend so I'll write you on Monday about my beautiful tan. Please say a prayer for me that it doesn't rain!


Wednesday, June 07, 2006

It's been a long day...

I thought it would never end. But, I've actually had work to do today :-( (yup that's a homemade smilie) so I haven't been able to dream up things to write about today. I DID want to post though. For some reason it bugs me when I check through the blogs and people haven't updated in a few days. So I try to not be someone who doesn't update. I'll let you all know right now that a weekend post will be a rare thing. Other than that I'll try to post every day.

I hope the internet is moving better tomorrow. Once SJ went down everything was slow. There's even a delay in typing my post here but thank God SJ is back.

That being said, it 4:50 and I don't have a lot of time left at work. So I'll leave you with a funny:

A Sunday school teacher said to her children,"We have been learning how powerful kings and queens were in Bible times.
But, there is a higher power.
Can anybody tell me what it is?"
One child blurted out, "Aces!"

Thanks for stopping by ~ have a great evening.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Oops....I missed Monday

I tried, I really did. But I got busy and...well, sorry I neglected you.

Anyway, I'm back today and have pictures so get ready.

6/6/06 - Does that number bring any scary thoughts to you? It doesn't really bother me, I DO think it is a novelty, but nothing to fear. The DH of one of my friends thinks terrorists will attack today.

According to the United States Postal Service, my package was delivered to Wendy today. So my portion of the CJ is officially underway. Lori said she would mail last Friday. If she did I should be getting it in any day now.

I signed up again for Memory Safe's monthly kits again. I should be getting that in soon too. Woo Hoo. It's some Scenic Route stuff. It'll be like Christmas with my new kit and the CJ.

The pool is up and over half full. It's huge is all I gotta say. I turned the water on on Sunday for a while and worked to get the wrinkles out. This morning I turned the water on at 7 and Mike turned it off at 6 when we left for VBS tonight. It's only a little over half full. I can't believe how big it is. It will be so much fun though. I can't wait for Saturday. The kids got into it today and played around. They love it.

I have a burn on the top of my mouth from the frozen pizza we ate for dinner Sunday night. Yesterday morning it even hurt to drink water, the granola I had for breakfast nearly killed me. It still
hurts today but I can tell it's healing.

I have a **VENT** today too:

Apparently our church has a new summer secretary. It's great for our pastor cause I'm sure he can use the help since he's never had a regular secretary. She has set up her office in the "public domain office" (for lack of a better description). This office houses the computer, copy machine and color printer and misc office items that EVERY department uses for bulletines, newsletters, mailers, schedules, etc. She informed me Sunday night that the computer is now password protected and besides the pastor there are only 3 people who have the password. I'm thinking what the heck!!!!!!!! Then she proceedes to tell me that there are more changes coming soon - like with the bulletin. Oh Really????!!!! I'm on that rotation and knew nothing about it, so I went to the person who heads up the bulletin schedule. SHE KNOWS NOTHING EITHER!!!!!!! Anyway, last night we go to VBS which, as most first nights of any event, was chaotic. I specifically took my laptop so I wouldn't have to try to get on her dumb computer to print some things off for my class. I walk in the door and she has completely changed the office around. NOTHING is where it used to be!!!!!!!!! Talk about added chaos. I am soooo ticked off at her right now, I don't know what she was thinking. Rumor has it (and it's TOTALLY a RUMOR) that she did all this w/o the pastor knowing she was going to do it. I serously had to go to my classroom and pray. There was no way I could teach kids with that nasty attitude. I'm still really ticked. Can't you tell?! I can't really say vent off, cause I'm still ticked but I'll stop this paragraph, how about that?

And now I leave you with the Bronx Zoo...(I didn't get an outside shot of their sign. It'll be coming soon.)

This is one of the rooms inside. She hung fabric on the ceiling.

That's all I'm uploading today. Everything seems to be running in slow motion today. GRRRR. I'll do more tomorrow.

Peace Out!

Friday, June 02, 2006


Finally Friday!!! Usually 4-day work weeks go by really quickly. This week has just felt like it lasted forever. I'm glad it's finally here. Again, nothing to talk about. I even waited till late in the day thinking something would come up but....Nada! Sorry folks.

I do want to thank the peeps who are commenting on my stuff. Makes me feel special to know that someone took time to read what I had to say, although what I have to say is getting real lame~sorry. LOL

Lets see, how about another list of weekend activities:
  1. Tonight going to Chevy's to eat dinner with my sister-in-law and her daughter. I don't know if the rest of the family will be there or not. We'll finally get to see Michaela prego. Can't imagine it since she's so skinny;
  2. Pick up the tiller from Gary;
  3. Tomorrow my mom is having a yard sale;
  4. One of our young people is having a birthday party at 12;
  5. VBS meeting at 1; :(
  6. Watch Alisha at 5; It's her mommy and daddy's anniversary.
  7. Wanna get the pool set up and get in the cool water;
  8. Oooo and, I almost forgot this one, go by the Bronx Zoo. It's a little shop in town that sells all kinds of stuff - clothes, furniture, yard ornaments, etc. It's an excentric place. The owner takes trips to buy stuff from California, New York and Mexico so she has a lot of things that you wont normally find here in Podunck Illinois. She lets local people sell their hand crafted things there too. This lady is so nice. Mike went in there and she told him she would save some stuff for me to look at. How sweet was that? Anyway...I'll try and take my camera to this place. It's really worth seeing, since it's so much fun. My photography skills are really poor, but you'll get the point.

Oh, I found a photo that I haven't posted yet, so here's your daily dose of scrapbooking...I was thinking a BOM would be a good thing to start doing and this would go in that book. I thought the pic and the quote went together so well. The quote is:

"LIfe is just a mirror, and what you see out there, you must first see inside of you."

I thought I would journal about what I see in myself and kind of relate it to beauty. But it was hard to write positive about myself, or from the heart. So the tag behind my pic is blank. Does anyone KWIM on this?

Guess that'll do me for the day. Probably won't post over the weekend. So until I blog again...

Stay safe, have fun, be blessed.

See ya next week ~ {{{CYBER HUGS}}}

Thursday, June 01, 2006

The winds of change...

Scrapjazz just announced that just bought them!!! I understand to a point since Ben & Andrea are starting a family, which is a full-time job. I know the web site is too. I love the way they have maintained a friendly, non-attacking atmosphere and a close knit community. I'm sure Jill and her team will do their best to maintian that and the word on the street is there aren't big changes coming but you never know. Hopefully they will stay a part of the board and let us see the growth of their little one (although they haven't been real forthcoming with many details to date - unless I missed them). Anyways, Good luck Ben & Andrea.

Random Stuff:
Not a lot to talk about today - the SJ thang seems to be the only thing for me. Not that I'm obsessed, I just saw it and am still thinking about it.

It's raining again. Blech! I know we could use it. Oh Well.

I've been working on getting my online IM status thing on my blog. I think it worked. Now, if it works correctly, you can click the status icon and send me an IM. It took forever to find a website with the code though. Why is it so hard to find these codes!!!!!!
Next thing I want to do is figure out how to get the little smilies on here. I've figured out the places to get the code, but it doesn't convert the code to the litte smilie/emoticon. [img][/img] Ok, that's supposed to be a
sad face.

My song is on. Come On Eileen. Well, it is my middle name. Thanks Dexy's Midnight Runners for the song. :-)

I don't have a clue about html stuff and it's just sheer luck and Denise's DH that got me this far. It's so stinkin' complicated.

Lisa said that we could borrow Gary's tiller to do our yard to set up the poole. YEA!!! At least now we don't have to rent one. We just have to get some free time to pick it up, do the yard real quick and return it. I really really really want to get in my pool!!!!!

In the last week I've altered a clipboard and 2 pieces of puzzle.

I'll leave you with pics of the altered puzzle. Thanks for reading.