Wednesday, July 27, 2005

When I said this was "Random" I really meant it...

Today we finally have a break in the weather. It is in the low 70's today. We have been having 3 digit heat with an even higher heat index and that = Really hot!

I just wanted to share about my lovely teenager...This weekend he decided to shave his head. No, he doesn't have a buzz, he has S K I N. Ugh, I really hate it. He seems ok with it though. He's wanted to do this for a while and we really didn't want him to. He would ask us, when we cut his hair, if we would shave it off. We always said no. We finally told him we wouldn't do it for him, but if he wanted to do it, that would be fine.

We did put stipulations on it though. He has a friend at church that did it first. We told him people are going to think he is trying to be like Jon. We also told him that people would just laugh at him, call him names, etc. The stipulation is this...if he were to shave his head, he CANNOT get mad at people who call him names or make fun of him. He has to keep a good attitude about it and take the ribbing. He said he would be able to take it cause it's something he really wants. He acted shocked that we even thought he would get upset over some ribbing. HELLO!

Well, the first night with his friends was fine. He took all the names and jokes just fine. Then when we got home, the twins were calling him Jon and he got all mad about it. So, we had to remind him of his promise. I can't wait till it grows out. I'll try and post a pic soon.

Well, I better let this end for now. Who knows when I'll check in again....

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