Wednesday, July 26, 2006

PSA Hot Glue Gun - UPDATE

Well, I don't know if it was smart or not, but I thought I would try out my theory regarding leaving the hot glue on your fingers to cool off before pealing it off. Let me just tell you that's not real smart either. OHMYGOSH!!!!!!!!! It's burned soooo bad. Now I have a blister on the index finger and thumb of my left hand as well as the huge sore on my right right finger from the other day. I guess it helped a little, I mean I'm not missing any skin now and all I have is a huge blister and it probably won't leave a scar like the other one will.

So I guess draw your own conclusions from my pain. LOL

In my defense, I didn't do this on purpose. I was being a good daughter and making a hat for my mom to wear to the dinner and it just happened. Just wanted to put that out there too so you don't think I'm some sort of freak who likes to inflict pain on themselves. Needless to say the hot glue gun has gone into retirement.

This is what happens when 2 bored, hyper boys get inspired and get my camera. Sheesh!!! They are just like their father. Nathen was posing and Austen was the photographer.

Vacation begins in 3 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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