Sunday, July 23, 2006

PSA regarding Hot Glue

If you are using the hot glue gun and happen to get some hot glue on your finger, don't try and take it off before it gets hard. It will remove your skin too. OUCH OUCH OUCH!!!!!!!!

Now. the reason I was playing with the glue gun is we are having a mystery dinner theater with the young people at church and everyone is encouraged to wear costumes. Well, I made this hat for my costume and it looks really cool with my dress. The theater is Saturday so I'll upload pics of what everyone looks like. I am soo looking forward to it. Anyway here's my cool hat. I totally love it.

Gotta get ready to go heading out to church for practice.


Stacy said...


Unknown said...

Ouch, those are the worst kind of wound too - they stink like crazy. That said, the hat is totally fab. Way to suffer for your art :)