Friday, November 17, 2006

Cooking Your Thanksgiving Turkey

Is there anyone out there who’s cooking her very first turkey dinner? Are you not quite sure how to tell when that bad boy is cooked, but not dried out? Give this recipe a try:

Preheat oven to 325 degrees.
Brush 10-14 lb. turkey with melted butter, salt and pepper.
Stuff cavity with 4 cups stuffing and 1 cup uncooked popcorn.
Place in baking pan with neck facing towards the back of the oven.
Listen for the popping sounds.
When the turkey’s rear-end blows the oven door open and the turkey flies across the room, it’s done.
Perfect turkey every time!


Sorry I just had to do it......I got that from Becky at PageMaps and thought it was too funny not to share.

Actually I make a really good turkey. I made my first one last year and it turned out delish!!! I used those amazing cooking bags to cook mine in. Step 1 - Rub butter between the skin and the meat. Ok, so with butter anything can turn out good. Step 2 - Cut 2 oranges in half and squeeze them inside the bird. Leave them inside to cook inside the turkey. You can also put an onion inside too if you wish. Step 3 - tie the bag up and cook the bird UPSIDE DOWN. That's the key. I don't care if your grandma told ya not to - try it. It keeps the meat really moist cause you're cooking it in the juice. I don't remember cooking times and heat. I think it's printed on the directions that come with your bird. I think it may have to cook just a little longer since you have it upside down. Can't remember that either.

Man it sure was yummy. We had 2 turkeys last year - one made by me and the other by my aunt. Mine was gone sooooo fast. I was disappointed there were no leftovers to bring home. So there's ya a tried and true Turkey recipe.

Alright, I realize I missed the Thursday 13 yesterday. I just didn't feel like coming up with a list. It was just too much pressure to deal with. LOL Maybe next time.

I am so glad today is Friday. It's been a really nice week but I'm just ready for it to be over and get in the weekend. Tonight I'm getting together with my friend to iron out some more of the details of our crop in January. We decided we better get our ducks in a row before the holidays hit. If we wait, we'll be a wreck trying to pull it all together in time. I've had a lot of interest but so far nobody has actually signed up. I know people like to wait till the last minute for stuff like this, at least if you're like me you do, but I was thinking they could sign up before the holiday money starts coming out of the bank. Oh well, I feel pretty confident that we'll have a good turnout.

Oh, I need to say that God has really taken care of the situation that I posted about the other day in my cryptic blog. We found favor with these people and it is all working out just fine. Thank you all for praying - it could have turned out very bad for us.

Ok, Cami left me a comment the other day about photos of my LO's. Cami, I am stitching challenged. I am totally unable to understand my compter software to do that. At one point I tried to do it, but my files would end up so huge I couldn't upload anywhere. I have a lovely Dell color printer and scanner combo....but I don't have a driver for my Mac. I'm going to have to get a new one that will work with the Mac so for now, I'm stuck with bad photography I guess.

Have a great weekend everyone. Don't forget to get them turkeys out to defrost!


Cami said...

Cute turkey joke :-)

Sorry I wasn't able to point you in a useable direction as far as the scanning goes. maybe you can get a driver from the Dell website for your mac?
But you shouldn't stress either because your pictures look really good!!
I know some other pointers I've used when taking pictures of layouts is to get as close up as I can, use a bright white background and the best lighting I have to try to eliminate the need for a flash. also the macro setting works pretty good too.
Hope ya have a great week and a Happy Turkey Day :)

~Denise said...

hello hello??? are you still alive???