Thursday, November 09, 2006

A Lame Thursday 13...

1) I have put off doing this crazy 13 today cause I didn't have anything to say. So you are going to get randomness.

2) Today's weather is absolutely gorgeous. It is about 77 degrees out and the sun is shining!!! Love days like this. I was talking with my mom about it and we were saying how thankful we were after having so much dreary weather lately. The really sad thing is, winter hasn't really hit us yet. Imagine how we'll be feeling by next month.

3) Austen & I ended up having bronchitis. Did I post that already? Can't remember. Anyway we are both on antibiotics. Mine are literally ginormous HOT PINK pills and they smell like banana or something. They also make me ravenous. So I fell like I'm eating everything in sight.

4) We're working on Christmas stuff at church. I'll be working with the Sign language team - can't wait to get that started.

5) I have stayed off of the quick cuts and sizzix trends. I was fine without them. I always realted them to little shapes and not letters. Well for some reason the bug hit me - I want a Cricut so bad. I showed Mike one day while at Michaels and he keeps looking at them if I drag him in there. He even notices them in sale papers. Sooooo, my IM buddy V and I were talking one day and she hooked me up with a lady that sells them cheaper than anyone else (sale or no sale). I talked to Mike and he said I could order it. It's my birthday and Christmas all in one - and I can live with that. I'm so excited. I should have that hot little machine in my hands by the weekend. EXCITING!!!!!

6) Shoot, this is only 6????? I can't do many more.

7) I'm sending out the email for the crop today or first thing in the A.M. Praying all goes well.

8) The boys' school pictures came in yesterday. They turned out soooo cute. I usually don't like their pictures and this time I didn't order very many. Figures they would turn out good this time.

9) It's 4:44 and I'm nowhere near done with this post.

10) My feet aren't happy with the shoe situation. I am so used to wearing flip flop style shoes that all my closed in shoes are giving me blisters. ouch!

11) I am finished with the last CJ I decided to participate in. I'll be mailing that baby out tomorrow.

12) I did a LO for a lady on SJ. Can't give away too much info I think its a surprise. But I really like how it turned out. I'll have to 'lift' myself. ;)

13) There! I did it. Finally!!! Have a great evening.


Carrie Postma said...

That is quite a list of thoughts! #4 caught my do ASL? I have been learning with my kids from the Signing Time videos! I have really enjoyed it and hope to keep learning ;-)

Anonymous said...

LOL....i love random. *grin* I had a hard time with mine this week, too. *smiles* have a great day!

Cami said...

Random is cool and yours was fun to read :-)
As promised I stole your idea of the candy! lol

Have a great weekend!