Yeah, I know it's lame, but my life isn't really worth talking about....actually my *life* probably is, but the things I'm involved in right now aren't really blog worthy...KWIM?
~ Adios
Yeah, I know it's lame, but my life isn't really worth talking about....actually my *life* probably is, but the things I'm involved in right now aren't really blog worthy...KWIM?
~ Adios
I will say that I'm excited for tomorrow. I get to go scrapping with my buddy, Lisa. We're going to Archivers and I'm soooo looking forward to it. *doin' the happy dance* Gotta get my stuff together tonight so I can go pretty much straight from work.
I have so much to do this weekend that I probably shouldn't go scrapping but it's too late, Lisa's already signed me up.
clean the house;
go to grocery store (it's getting kinda desperate with NO food in the house);work on September's youth service;
final school supply shopping;
pay bills;
get scrap stuff together;
choir practice;
I’m sure there’s more, but I just can’t remember them now. Great, just think what won’t get accomplished this weekend. *sigh*
Oh, & I wanna put this out there: I really, really, really want a CRICUT!
Another day of blah. I wish I had something fun to post here but I'm fresh out of ideas. Sorry readers.Thoughts On Florida:
I tried really hard to get a decent pic of them but it was dark and they were floating and wouldn't hold still *sigh* I am just curious when seaweed washes up on the beach if it ever includes a sea horse, it looks just like it.....Anyway, this is the best I could do:
and finally....even though I cut off the poor birds head at the bottom (duh, wish I could go back and do it over), my favorite......
I'll upload more from the rest of the week on another post.