Wednesday, August 16, 2006

A Few Pictures...

I just realized that I haven't uploaded any Mystery Dinner pictures, so here are some of DH & I and our kids.

I had a blast on the canoe trip. I only tipped the canoe over one time. Not too shabby for my first time out. We did 6 miles and I was ready to quit - my arms were aching. Also, by the tiime we were nearing the 6 mile mark, there were so many drunk (like passing out drunk) people on the river. I don't know how these peeps keep from drowning. It's amazing. We had one scare though. There were 2 guys (maybe mid to late teens) and a little girl (maybe 8 or so) in a canoe by themselves and they tipped over. NONE of them could swim and the little girl was hollering for help. We kept thinking that the guys she was with would help her but they just stared at her. They were holding on to a tree limb on the side of the water. She went under several times and it was taking her longer to get back up. Several people were trying to get over to the side so we could help her out. The guy we were with jumped in and pulled her out. He said it was pretty deep where she was - he couldn't even touch bottom. This is exactly what scares me. I'm not a really good swimmer and really the only way I can swim is if I'm wearing goggles - got some issues with not being able to see where I am. Thankfully everything tured out ok, but it was very distrubing...why would you go canoing and no one in your group know how to swim????

Anyway it was fun and I wanna go again. But next time maybe during the week when there aren't so many party-rs there (it was getting really old) and it's not as busy. I also would like the river to be a little fuller. We scrapped the bottom so many times and Mike even had to get out and push the canoe a few times. All-in-all though, good fun.
I don't have any pictures yet of the canoe trip. I took an old waterproof camera with me so I didn't pay for one-hour cause I don't know if any of them will even turn out. We'll see.

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