Thursday, August 31, 2006

Guess what I got????

Nope, I don't think you could guess so I'll tell ya. CROCS!!! Yup, hard to believe. I've been opposed to these crazy shoes since they first came out. But I got some in the flip flop style and let me tell ya....they are amazing.
I really like them and they are so comfy. I don't know if I'll bow to the ugly version yet, but for now I HEART these.

and now for 2 more random photos:
This is my Pooch - Rocky. He's such a sweet doggy. Very scary if you are a stranger walking up to the back door though (or so I've been told). We had a friend come over who is over 6 feet. When he walked in the door, he was eye-to-eye with Rock, who was sitting on our back steps. Moving right he is at our back door where he will greet you should you come visit.

.....aaaaaaand, my hunny bunch....I HEART him too.

Yeah, I know it's lame, but my life isn't really worth talking about....actually my *life* probably is, but the things I'm involved in right now aren't really blog worthy...KWIM?

~ Adios


~Denise said...

so you've become a once a week blogger????
Ok I *think* I can handle that.

So why can't you blog about your life????

Always Faith said...

yeah, why? come wimpin out on us! *big smiles* btw, nice pics!

Oscar T. Grouch said...

Your life is worth talking about.