Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Boring Blog

You would think with "The Jazz" being down right now I would have gobs of time for blogger....well, I do have the time, just no topic to blog about. I have been hitting all the blogs lately, that's my only link to the Jazz girls. So, I apologize to those of you who have been bored and looking for something to read this week.

I guess I could tell you about my oldest DS. He started his first year in public school yesterday. He's a freshman this year but he's gone to a private Christian school for K-8. Of course it's too soon to tell if he is going to like it, since they only went a half day yesterday but I hope and pray he excells this year and takes responsibility for himself. We shall see.

Tonight we have parent orientation for the twins. I would skip except that they are determining bus routes tonight. Not everyone uses the bus (lots of SAHM at this Christian school) so I need to make sure I get a good stop for my kiddos.

I can't wait till all this school prep stuff is done. I hate getting into this new routine and going to all the meetings and stuff. BLAH!!!

My boss is taking his son to college in Chicago tomorrow so he'll be gone the next 2 days, so the boredom will continue. Hopefully SJ gets back on schedule by tomorrow.

Well, not a lot going on, so I don't really have anything else to post about.

Have a great Day!!!!!

1 comment:

Always Faith said...

I've been a bad blogger lately, too....LOL. What is up with the Jazz? Its kinda off and on....
anyways...don't give up....we'll just have to find some blog challenges to get us going again. =)