Friday, September 01, 2006

T.G.I.F. Baby!!!!

Whew, another week under the belt and a 3-day weekend coming up. This has been a really long week, I guess it's because of the anticipated long weekend. Soooo, as you'll find out by continuing to read this entry, tonight we'll be at home. Hopefully I'll get some scrapping in.

As for the rest of the weekend, I'll be hanging out at my mom's tomorrow. Her 2 sisters and some of their kids are going to be there. It will be a fun time with all the babies and toddlers. Then Sunday, of course, is church. I can't wait...God has been really speaking to me. I never want that to stop. I always want to be able to hear his voice, whether through song, Word, preaching, silence, etc. So I anticipate Him showing up Sunday. Then Monday is Labor Day wherein I refuse to Labor in any way. We usually go to the picnic. I hear it's supposed to rain though. It wouldn't hurt my feelings at all if it did. I really wanna stay home. I have Scrappin' Fever. Maybe it's contagious and I should stay home just in case. I think I'll ask Mike about it.

And now for a little bit of business: After blogging yesterday I think I may have misled you all. I'm not depressed nor do I think my life is without meaning - I was just saying that I don't think there is anything interesting enough to share. I appreciate the comments though.

Anyway moving on to better things>>>>>

Last night I finally got DH to go to Lowe’s and get our Father's Day/Mother's Day gift. I really wanted to get him a BBQ grill for Father's Day and since I really wanted one too we forfeited the gifts for both occasions and have been saving up since May. We managed to pull together $300.00.

N-E-ways, Lowe’s is having this good sale this week....Free Assembly, 20% off the grill, & free Propane exchange. Even better is they had quite a few pre-assembled in the store and they just happened to have the one we wanted. So we brought that baby home last night. Tonight’s dinner will consist of Brats & Hamburgers. I've had brats and pork steaks in the freezer for a week waiting for time to get out there to buy this grill. That, my dear readers, was Faith in Action. Faith that I can get Mike to actually go out and pick the thing out and bring it home. So my mission is completed.

Oh and for the good part. We bought the grill we wanted, a mat so it doesn't mess up our patio and a cover and I only spent $29.00! How's that for budgeting?!?!?!?!?

Alright readers, that’s all for today. Have a wonderfully long weekend.
Happy Labor Day!!!!!

1 comment:

Broken Beth said...

That sounds yummy!