Tuesday, October 03, 2006

ACK!!! I've been tagged.

Actually it's kinda cool. It's my second tag and it only took me 6 days to find it. Yeah, I'm a little slow.

Ok, here's the scoop, Lily (Bluelilo) from Scrapjazz taged me. The Rules:
List 5 weird things about yourself or your pets. Tag 5 friends and list them. And it continues on in a vicious cycle.

1) I absolutely WILL NOT touch dirty socks. I will pick them up in with a dirty shirt or something but I won’t touch them. UGH!!!!

2) I am a loner. I would rather be at home alone or with DH & Kiddos than go out with my friends (even if the kids and DH are invited). Every time I have second and third thoughts about not showing up for a party. Even though when I go, which is most of the time I force myself to go, I have a really fun time.

3) I like Monty Python And The Search For The Holy Grail. A total nonsense movie.

4) I don’t really like coffee. I just drink it so I can use the yummy coffee creamers from CoffeeMate.

5) Ok, more than what you ever wanted to know but when getting dressed, panties go on last. Told ya it was TMI. LOL

Ok, I’ll tag:

Ashlee (CMK)
Christy (Floridascrapper)
and ummmm.....
Kristi Sauer.

Have a nice evening everyone.


Kristi @ Mi Vida Ocupada said...

Okay...I will try to think of 5 good things!

Unknown said...

jajajaj you are weird lol JK
thank you for reading my blog :)

Unknown said...

That is funny about the socks...What about dirty undies? LOL

Oscar T. Grouch said...

your panties go on over your pants??????????? HAHA