Friday, October 13, 2006

Thursday 13 {on Friday the 13th}

In honor of Friday the 13th I thought it would be fun to do something scary and spooky. But since I really don't get into the FT13 thing, I couldn't really come up with anything. Besides the fact that this should have been done on Thursday. *sigh* Anyway...better late than never, here's yesterday's 13:

Pet Names

*Big Red - actually it was a chicken and it was my dad's idea to name him.
*Chloe (if I ever get another)

Well, it's friday.....WOO HOO. Another week down. Gonna be a busy weekend. Tonight we are going to church with the Youth Group, tomorrow we're gonna be doing the Birthday Party thing, and of course Sunday is chruch. So I'll probably be out till Monday. I might try to upload some more pics of the Pumpkin Patch (I forgot my memory card yesterday and today).

OH, if you are into Christian movies today "One Night With The King" opens. It's a movie based on Tommy Tenney's book Hadassah. The story of Esther. It's an amazing book. Go to the GodChasers web site to find a theater near you.

That's all for today. Have a great weekend everyone.

God Bless!


Anonymous said...

LOL! my TT was done on friday too....LOL. And one of our cats is named snowball! =)
hope you're having a great weekend!

Broken Beth said...

I dont really buy into the 13th thing either but it was such crazy weather here it was eerie!