Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Wednesday's blog..

I've had a delima about what to blog about - just can't seem to come up with anything. I decided to do one the BOM challenges from SJ. Now, I don't know if I'll do a LO about it but if I did, I guess this would be the journaling.

Journal about the meaning of your name.
Journal about how you feel about your name, why your parents chose it,
and/or if you think the meaning is true for you.

My dad told me it meant “TO BIND” which is why they chose it. I would be the tie that bound he and my mom together and would make us a family.
Research it at
(According to the above website):

~ meaning ~

~ motivation ~
Has a purpose in life

~ character ~
One who likes challenge

~ feelings ~
An affectionate and loving person

~ intelligence ~
Has ability to concentrate

~ spiritual ~
A person who is faithful to their beliefs

~ nature ~
A person who loves life

~ inherent ~
A cultured person

I think most of that could be true about me. I don’t know what my purpose is (do you think I ever will? I mean I'm 35 for heaven's sake!) and I don’t think I’m bound (unless you think of it like my parents – “to bind”).
Now, after getting all that done, I realize that I already talked about my name (see my 6/12/06 entry). True, it was about nicknames that I've had but still....I'm like a broken record here. But since I've already typed it up and put it in colors and stuff, it stays. ::sigh::


I did want to have somewhere that I talk about ME. I find it really hard to talk about myself in a positive manner or to be brag on myself and my blog is kinda that opportunity to bust out of that shell.

I asked for help on what to blog about and JenniferH gave me a suggestion to do 100 Things About Me. Now, 100 seems a little daunting but I'll try to do it 10 at a time (especially when I'm blogger-challenged).
1) I would rather stay home than go out.
2) I hate water but force myself to drink it.
3) Pink is my favorite color.
4) After 13 years of marriage, I discovered DH likes hot tea.
5) I would like to live in NYC for 6 months.
6) My first airplane ride I was about 30 years old.
7) I am just a little claustrophobic.
8) I love almost all styles of music.
9) I don't like Rap, Hard Rock, Alternative Rock, or artists who tend to have explicit or violent lyrics.
10) I love chocolate but can live without it.
Ok, gang. There's my first installment. Have a great Hump Day. Only 2 more to go till the weekend. Woo Hoo!!!!!

1 comment:

~Denise said...

live w/out CHOCOLATE??!! what are you insane?????????