Monday, June 26, 2006

Elizabeth Grace


Baby Gracie is finally here and she is just beautiful. I can't believe how tiny though. She was born on 6/25/06 at 5:06 P.M. She weighed 6 pounds and 1 ounce and is 19 inches long. I AM SOOO IN LOVE!!!!!

Here's a of her dad and big brother - Xander, and of course with Aunt Becky. Technically I'm a cousin, but Jael lets me call myself "Aunt."

Now being excited about the new baby, I didn't even take a picture of Grace and her mommy - Duh me.

I just got a call though that Jael has an infection. She is really upset and scared, and I can't blame her. So if you're reading my blog please say a prayer for her.


I've been a really bad blogger. The problem is I don't have anything interesting to say so instead of just posting that I have nothing, I just don't post. I'll try to do better - even if it's just to say "Hey."

Guess I'll continue with my 100 List:

11) Diet Coke is my drink of choice.

12) I have NEVER smoked.

13) I'm addicted to Su Doku

14) My house is generally clean - except for my bedroom.

15) I don't play well with others.

16) Mexican Food is my favorite food

17) I would love to quit my job and be a SAHM and work part-time somewhere either waitressing or at a LSS (that's a weird spectrum I know).

18) I really WANT to take good photos, but Mike is the better with the camera.

19) I would love to live in New York City for 6 months. I don't think I could handle it any longer than that.

20) I think it would be fun to have x-ray vision.

Happy Monday chicas - c ya ~

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awww, she's adorable, congrats!!

And... it takes awhile, but aren't the 100 things fun? I think I've done it twice now....