Friday, September 15, 2006

Veggie Tales

Ever heard of Veggie Tales? It's a MUST in our house. The stories are good, the music is good and the moral of each story is good and the kids love them. So I hear that NBC has signed on with BigIdea to show Veggie Tales on Saturday morning cartoons. That was kinda shocking since each show is based on Bible story with many references to Moral rights and wrongs spread throughout the show and a Bible verse application at the end.

Well, apparently NBC, who also aired anti-moral shows such as Will & Grace can't let it air as is. According to Phil Vischer, the creator, they are having to do some editing -- "those apparently unacceptable, insensitive references to God and the Bible" have to come out. "So NBC has taken the very essence of "Veggie Tales" -- and ripped it out. It's like "Gunsmoke" without the guns, or "Monday Night Football" without the football."

Why can't NBC leave it alone?? How many times would my kids, if I had a TV, hear cuss words, sexual inuendos, and see a variety of immoral content while watching saturday morning cartoons or their network any time? Why do we have to sensor things that could help our kids to grow up being responsible, caring, moral, God-fearing adults? And no, I'm not naive enough to think this is the cure-all to being an upstanding citizen, but to coin a phrase - Garbage In, Garbage Out. Actions like this one by the networks are what makes me very, very happy to be one of the few who can say "No, I didn't see that. We don't have a TV." What I would really like is for Mr. Vischer to just say "Forget it." Is compromising really worth it?

Ok, I'll get off my soap box now.

And I'll leave with one thing I know ya'll wanted to know about me LOL ~

Your Celebrity Boob Twin:

Jessica Simpson

Have a great weekend!


Anonymous said...

Omygoodness....PREACH IT. I completely and totally 100% agree on the garbage in garbage out thing. Its like taking God out of schools and inserting sex ed and handing out condoms....and then wonder why we have so many teen pregnancies. DUH! We live in a very mixed up society.

Oscar T. Grouch said...

Ok, I am a Anna Nicole Smith. NOT funny.

ashlee said...

im a first time visitor...and this is so kids love veggie tales.
btw mt boob twin is lara flynn boyles...sad but true!