Tuesday, September 12, 2006


WHINEY VENT AHEAD: If you aren't up for a whiney post about my co-worker, just back out of the blog now.

My co-worker is a pain in the butt!!!! Most of the time I really try to not get into it with her since there are only 2 of us and we have to work so close together. However, I know she watches my time. When I come in from lunch or in the morning...her head whips around to her clock when I step off the elevator.

So here’s a little background regarding my current vent: We keep track of our own vacation days. Since no one has abused it, it kinda works on the honor system.

So, yesterday Mike got off work at 11:00 and surprised me for lunch. I have a lot to do at home so I was going to take a half-day of vacation and go home with him. John was at lunch and I couldn’t run it past him, so I decided I would go to lunch and when I got back, if John was ok with it, I would wait for D to go to lunch then leave after that.

According to my list, I have one day of vacation left until January. Well, what I didn't know is that D keeps track of my days off too. And while I was at lunch she checked her list. When I get back she tells me I only have a half-day left. And she told John that too. WHATTHEHECK!!!!!

Eventually she says, "If I’m wrong just let me know." How in the world am I supposed to prove it? It’s basically her word against mine. But the bottom line is, she screwed me out of a half-day of vacation. How can I take a full day now cause my boss is gonna thing I'm stealing it. I am so ticked!!!!!!!

So I guess this morning she felt it necessary to inform my boss I may be late. I had to take Nick to school this morning and told her I might be a few minutes late. Wonder what else she told him.

It's her job in life to be up in everyone's business and, I might add she is very successful at it.
Usually I feel better after venting like this, but I’m still really ticked off.

I’ve got to start keeping track of her smoke breaks….I did this morning and so far they both lasted 8 minutes each.

I’ll stop now.


Oscar T. Grouch said...

By all means keep going. I hate people that can't stay in their own lives but have to interfrere in others.

You should keep track of your own times and stuff though. You never know when it will come in handy.

~Denise said...

I'm telling you... talk to John about using her 'smoke minutes' for cushion for your arrivals and departures...