Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Happy Hump Day Everybody!!!!!!

I really don't have anything of any importance to write today. So you're gonna get a random post.

You know that song "Workin' For The Weekend"? Well, that's my theme song. I LIVE for the weekend. Can't wait. Not that we have anything special planned, but that I just don't have to go to work. And in the words of Martha, it's "a good thing."

I'm feeling soooo huge today. Perhaps it's because of the skirt I have on. Somedays are better than others. I keep trying to lose this weight, but I've been really hungry today, so unfortunately I pigged out at lunch on Pasta House pasta and salad. YUMMY!!! I am so full. Can you say "BLOATED!!!!" Since the rain looked like it was going to hold off, my mom brought Nick over and they ate lunch with me today.

I joined a circle journal and anyone who knows me knows that I get these random wild hairs and get all kinds of crazy notions. Well, I've never really understood the fascination of altering puzzle pieces. But I found a really cool swap (on another site ~ eek) where you treat it like a CJ and assign a theme/color scheme for your puzzle pieces and everyone alters a piece of your puzzle. Then you can assemble it and somehow put it in a frame or on a SB page. I thought this would be a cool piece of original artwork to hang in my scrap area at home. Riiiiiiiigghtttt.

So I went on an excursion to buy a puzzle for my sign-in page and couldn't find one. To be really honest I only went to one store, WM, but since they have everything you would think it couldn't be difficult. It was after 9 so all the other stores were closed, but who would have thought it would be so difficult to find a little puzzle?!?!?

The wonderful girls on SJ are all busy trying to find me one. They are the best!!!!! Yes, I have 3 weeks left but what if I run into some other problems. I have to make every minute count on this. Lori is already done with hers and is mailing it - No pressure there. LOL

So anyway, I'm going to be doing my CJ on Summer. Anything about summer. It should be bright and cheery when it comes back. I love summer, it's my favorite season. I love the heat, sun, vacations, days off, picnics. Mike hates it, he don't like to be hot, how did we ever hook up again?!!? I still have to decide on what picture I want to use. It will be 8x8, so it shouldn't be too hard and go pretty quickly.

I love making words different colors.

I'll leave you with one LO. It turned out how I saw it in my head, how often does that happen? The tag lifts up for some journaling. This is Austen last year on Halloween. The kids go to a Christian school, so they had to dress up as someone from their favorite time in history. Yea, well, I don't think they have a favorite time in history so we found what WM had cheap and made it work. LOL I didn't put a mustache on him, I actually didn't think about it till I was on my way to work. He was happy with it so that's all that matters. I still have to do a LO with Nathen and his Knight costume.

Thanks for stayin' with me and my ramblings.

And now...I'll bid you Adieu.


Nancyroo said...

yes, the girls on sj are awesome! put out a request, and just like that, it's granted, just like magic!

AshleyS said...

I love his costume!