Wednesday, May 10, 2006

A "How To"

from the wonderful Ms. Lindsay Teague. I'm actually posting it here so I can remember how to do it.

1. Register for an account (if you don't already have one) at flickr.
2. Once registered, sign into your account and you will be brought to your flickr homepage.
3. Now you need to acquire the pictures you want in your photo mosaic...for the one above, I used purple as my theme. There are lots of options just do what you like! To do this, you'll need to search through the flickr photo database. Go to the bottom of your home page for the "Photo Search" option under the "Explore" category. Click "Photo Search."
4. Now this page will come up where you'll type your keyword or search word into the serch option on the right that says "search titles, tags and descriptions. Then Click "search."
5. Then pages of pictures will come up with pictures that match your description (some better than others).
6. Now scroll through the pictures until you find one that is of interest to you. Once you find one click on the picture and a new page will open up with that picture on it.
7. If you like the picture and would like to include it in your mosaic, click the "Add to Faves" icon above the picture to the left side. It will turn that empty star to pink to show you that it has been added to your favorites.
8. Now go back to your list of pictures and continue to scroll through until you find your desired amount of pictures and make them all favorites (please note that the max amount of pictures for one mosic is 36).
9. You can periodically check the amount of pictures you have in your favorites by scrolling down to the bottom of the page and clicking "Your Favorites" under the "Your Photos" heading.
10. This will bring you to your favorites page where you can take a closer look at the photos you've chosen.
11. When you have got all the photos you want in your favorites, it's time to turn them into a mosaic. Open up a new web browsing window and go to
12. Now enter in the options that work best for your mosaic by changing the layout (when you click on different layouts, it will show you an example to the right), changing the amount of pictures in your mosaic, changing the tile size ( I usually go with medium), and changing the background colors.
13. Select "Flickr Favorites" from the "choose how you would like to select images" options.
14. Enter your flickr screen name into the box below.
15. Now Click "Create Mosaic"
16. This "Please Wait" page will come up and it could take up to 30 seconds...just be patient.
17. If all is done correctly, your mosaic should appear in large form, like this:
18. Now right-click on the mosaic and save it to the appropriate place on your computer...and, voila...DONE!

I wanted to say these directions are perfect. Lindsey is amazing at teaching. I haven't uploaded what I created to my blog yet since I'm wanting to have a totally cool mosaic and am still considering my choices.

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