Friday, May 26, 2006


WOO HOO. I tell you, I have never been so excited for the weekend. This has been the longest week - totally bored here at work. I think everyone is in summer vacation mode. The phones aren't busy, the mail is slim and the dictation is minimal. I asked my boss if I could leave early today, he's leaving too, and he was fine with it. So I'm outta here in 1 hour baby!

I feel bad for neglecting my blog yesterday but I really had nothing to say, just like to today. Oh well, I'm just happy to be leaving soon.

Oh, and I'll be heading straight to the LSS when I leave. Gotta get a few things for some special peeps and some stuff for my CJ. I swore I would not do another one of these for a while. But look at me now. ::rolling eyes:: There's only 5 of us though so it shouldn't be too hard.

The weekend is crazy, as usual. Here's my list of things to do:

Buy nathen some shorts and nick some new jeans.
Work on my circle journal.
Buy some stuff for my CJ: envelope for puzzle pieces; library pockets; another piece of the summer pool paper;
hang the sign at church for SFC pledges
graduation party on friday night
massage - 10:00 am Saturday
Youth party on Saturday - at Mini-Golf 7 p.m
grocery shop for picnic (notice this isn't done. It was pathetic what we took - and that's all I'll say about that.)
monday is the picnic
get door prize for picnic (Scott did this)

(What's DONE is in RED.)

I'll add more as I remember. This will be my check list. Gotta go, my boss just brought me some dictation. WHY NOW??!?!?!?!!!!

Have a wonderful, safe weekend everybody.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am soooooo ready for the weekend too!