It's Mike's family and we are on the staircase in Toni & Mike's old house. Granted, there are some people in the pic who are no longer in the family and some family that wasn't family when the picture was taken and one brother who didn't bother showing up. It was Christmas for Goodness Sake!!!!! Regardless, it's a good pic of most of the POOLE CLAN.
When I first saw the BG Blitzen stuff I knew it was gonna be great on here. The red CS is Bazzill (sweet stuff). Totally lovin' how it turned out too.
Can I just say that I am soooo dumb. Our church is having Vacation Bible School again this year. I am not a teacher in any Sunday School class, nor do I have time to be. I figured the teacher parts would be taken care of by the existing teachers. We didn't want to have to be at the church every single night so Mike & I signed up to help get the stuff set up and get the sets painted and stuff. Jess told me last night that she had some people back out and was now short some teachers. I felt sorry for her and volunteered to be a teacher ~ but just for VBS ~ NOT SS!!! I don't have time for this and was really looking forward to a week off, but I guess it's not gonna happen. I'll be teaching 4th & 5th grades. They will be an easy group since I'm used to that age - Nathen & Austen will be in 4th grade next year. BUT.....the point is now I'm busy next week.
On the up side, Tracy just called me and told me she volunteered today and we'll be sharing a class. So between the 2 of us we should be able to handle this. I am very happy to have her help. She is a school teacher and our friendship goes way back with a little hiatus in the middle - called LIFE. So our class is now officially going to be the BOMB!!!!!
Just wanted to share that I'm wearing an Orange shirt today courtesy of Andrea. Love it! So bright and cheery.
The kids always play with water guns at the picnic. I could only find 2 of our 3 water guns so on the way to the picnic I took Nick and his friend to WM to pick up another gun. Let me say that I wasn't dressed to kill and I was not going to win a fashion contest but I was comfortable. On the way out of WM Nick asked me why I was waddling. WADDLING!!!!?!!!!!?!!!?!!!!!?!!? OMGosh he nearly died cause I nearly killed him. I informed him - through clenched teeth - that FAT PEOPLE DO THAT GOSH!!!! He said I don't always do it but I was just then and he just wondered what was wrong, like did I "have a wedge or something?!" Sssssooooooooo not nice. Like a good son he did say I wasn't fat though. Like that helped at that point in time.
And finally...
Oscar, on SJ, challenged us to send some cyber hugs to our friends. I started thinking of who I would send to and I think everyone at SJ came to mind.
Dani~ girl you've been on my mind. Hope and pray for your continued recovery.
Jitterbuggie and Patter and their DDs.
Oscar ~ Because you live in pain.
Denise ~ Prayin' you sell your house soon girlie. I'm trying to help. Everyone that's looking I tell them about yours.
Ashley, Brian and Clayton ~ My heart breaks for you guys. Ashley & Brian for continued strength and rest and Clayton to get better.
Guess these sort of turned out to be more like prayer requests. But {{{{{GIANT HUGS}}}}} to all of you.
Denise has always wanted to be tagged, so I'll tag her. Spread the luv girl. ;-)
TAFN ~ Ciao
good luck with vbs....i help with the crafts for all grades at our church, so i can so sympathize. =)
I felt the hugs--thank you!!!
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