Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Tuesday's Challenge:

If you had to join a witness protection program with your family, where would you wanna live???

I would love to move somewhere that has a lot of water and beaches that are made for lounging. I want the weather to be warm most of the time, but NEVER humid. The nights can cool off – but not too cool, KWIM? An Island would be nice. I would also like to try out Mexico. And just for DH’s benefit, I would be ok with experiencing Europe for a bit but nothing long term.
If I had to pick somewhere in the states, I would do Arizona, Cali, Maine, Florida and Hawaii (that’s in the states isn’t it?).

I want to start uploading more of my completed LO's here since I have a dickens of a time getting the loaded at SJ. Here's a familiar photo from Florida that I made sepia toned and did this LO for a CJ I'm in on SJ. The theme was LOVE. This is love to me ~ my guys. I'm sooo loving how this turned out. The only thing I would change is my lettering but I dont' know what I would change it to since I'm working on the exact same LO only in 12x12 for my own scrapbook. I am still stumped what to put there.

I love bulk - even though none of my non-SJ-pals who scrap understand it. It looks a little heavy but the flower is really light.

I got this kit from Memory Safe. I love their kits. I want to buy some more, but I think I should hold off for a bit and see how our vacation plans start working out. LOL

Ok, well that's all I'm going to say to myself for now.

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