Monday, May 08, 2006


Thanks to Beth at SJ for the daily blog challenges. It's definitely making this blog more interesting. LOL

Today's challenge is to list something I would like to change about myself, but it cannot be a physical feature. I think I would like to be more outgoing and sure of myself (self-confidence). I am so unsure of myself and uncomfortable in most social settings. I think I come across as a snob, but in reality I am just very backward and shy. Once I get to know you, then I'm mostly generally ok, but it's hard at first. Being comfortable in my own skin would be really nice.

I read this on someone else's blog from SJ (Kristi or Christina ~ not sure whose):

Does anyone else ever get the urge to move away when things aren't going your
way?? Sometimes its nice to dream about making a change, starting over.

I wanted to record my thoughts about this...I do wish this - - A LOT!!!!!!!!!!! I would really love to leave my job and move on to a different one. If we were financially able, I would be a stay at home mom and be really involved in the kids' school. But since that isn't realistic, I just want to work closer to home. I feel underappreciated by my boss. As of my last raise (last year) my salary is supposedly capped, so what exactly is there to look forward to? I think it would be great to up and move totally out of state and out of the area. The only downside is, Mike's Dad and my Mom would have to come along. I couldn't bear to leave either of them here. Well, I'm sure there's more "downsides" than that one, but that's the biggie.

Ok, and here's another blogging challenge from another blog I thought would be fun to do:

This week's blogging challenge: A quickie! List ten food cravings that you easily cave in to! If there was one offered, you’d never turn it down. Share any thoughts on these.

1) Chocolate. I love Chocolate and it's a rare occasion when I turn it down.
2) Ice Cold Diet Coke
3) Pasta
4) Mashed Potatos ~ no gravy, just butter. Lumpy is even more of a temptation.
5) Chips
6) Ice Cream
7) Coconut Cream Pie
8) Peanut M&M's/Peanut Butter Cups (there's the chocolate?)
9) Funnel Cake
10) Dumplings (you can leave out the chicken, just give me the dumplings baby!)

Looking at the list I guess I do have the will power to turn them down (cause I have in the past) but I just choose NOT to. Who could blame me?!!!

Ok, that's quite an entry for today. Gonna get back to work.

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