Tuesday, May 23, 2006

As Promised...

Here are my latest works of art. LOL They are all from the Florida (except for the Tag). Before I go on, let me just say that I always thought I was an "EVENT" scrapper. You know throw all your pictures from one event on one page, journal about it and you're done. Well, I'm so not seeing that happen in my stuff lately. I am liking my new thang though. It creates a lot of freedom in my scrapping.

If you are curious about supplies, ask. Otherwise, I'm not going to posting that on here. The first 2 are 8x8 and will go on my wall. The "Oceanside" one is a 12x12, 2-page spread.

I tried my hand at some doodling. VERY VERY LITTLE DOODLING. I am sooo scared that I will mess up the LO and, sure enough, I did. I hate it but didn't want to redo it. So I tried covering it up as best as I could.

Austen drew this in the sand in Cocoa Beach. Little sweetie. I bought a $5.00 package of stickers for the one that says "Sand Art" cause I knew I had to have it for this picture. I know the term "sand art" usually brings to mind castles in the sand but this was my Baby's art! I'm sure I'll use the other stickers. We're going back this year...

Last beach one...for now. LOL First of all, yes the large pic on the left was staged. Everyone thought I was nuts but they did it anyway. I LOVE IT!!! Under that pic is some journaling about the problems I had getting everyone to do this little photo shoot. I bought the transparency and cut it up. That was a hard decision to make - I kept thinking what if I didn't like it cut that way. But I like how it turned out.

And finally...the tag. Basic Grey Color Me Silly Frogs.

This was so fun to make.

I have a couple more to post, but I'll save that for another day. Even though one is another beach LO - consider yourself warned. LOL



Kelli said...

I love that LOVE lO...so stinkin' cute ;)

AshleyS said...

they all look great--love the blue on the last one!

Always Faith said...

Hey, you did good on the doodling...whats wrong with it? I like it! Love all the other layouts, too. And I can sympathize on the photoshoot problems with your models...people just don't understand us aspiring photographers...LOL.

Nancyroo said...

OMG! Those LO's are GORGEOUS!! I love the "love" and "sand art ones." I also cannot see how you screwed it up. looks great to me!